Worship Services
Our Savior Lutheran Church

Our Savior Lutheran is an ELCA Church. Sunday worship at 9:30am and Christian Bible Study for children is Wednesdays from 3:45 - 5:00pm. Our Savior is located at 308 15th Avenue South in Faulkton and is currently broadcasting Sunday services on Facebook Live each week. Pastor is LeShea Avery and can be reached at 605-598-4337.
St. Thomas Church

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Faulkton, South Dakota serves all of Faulk County and small portions of neighboring counties. It is located at 1013 Court Street. Faulkton is one of the six parishes that are part of the Pastorate of the Transfiguration. The other parishes are St. Mary’s in Highmore, All Saints in Mellette, St Ann’s in Miller, St. Liborius in Polo and St. Bernard’s in Redfield. Father John Short is the current pastor and Msgr. Charles M. Mangan is Parochial Vicar of the Pastorate. Currently all mass times in the Pastorate are on a rotation basis. In Faulkton mass times scheduled so far are as follows: January-March, Saturdays at 5:30 pm; April-June, Sundays at 8:30 am; July-September, Sundays at 11 am. For more information call 605-598-6590 in Faulkton.
United Methodist Church

United Methodist Church in Faulkton, South Dakota is active in seeking to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Sunday School starts at 9:15 am during the school year. Education opportunities are provided for all ages from preschool to adult. Sunday worship services start at 9:30 am from May through August and then at 10:30 am from September through April. The church is located at 1022 St. John Street in Faulkton. Pastor Shawn Stoll currently serves as minister. Sunday worship services can be accessed via their Facebook page. Contact information is 605-598-6580 or FaulktonUMCoffice@gmail.com.